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Key Art Awards 2006: Οι αφίσες της χρονιάς
Αγαπημένος προορισμός των (χολυγουντιανών) διαφημιστών αναδείχθηκε το Sin City, η στυλιζαρισμένη νεονουάρ πόλη που έφερε το pulp στη μεγάλη οθόνη και μας πήρε τα μυαλά, κερδίζοντας τρία απ' τα μεγάλα βραβεια των φετινών Key Art Awards, και μια εύφημο μνεία. Με καλύτερο teaser και trailer για action/adventure ταινία, καλύτερο πακέτο home entertainment, και special recognition γι' αυτές τις αφισούλες που είχαν βγάλει για τον κάθε ένα χαρακτήρα, το Sin City ήταν ο μεγάλος νικητής της διοργάνωσης.

Στις υπόλοιπες αφίσες, το Syriana ανακυρήχθηκε καλύτερη δραματικής ταινίας, το Walk the Line κέρδισε το βραβείο για το καλύτερο teaser poster, το Lord of War, με το πρόσωπο του Cage που σχηματιζόταν από σφαίρες ψηφίστηκε ως καλύτερη αφίσα για Action/Adventure --αν και έφερνε περισσότερο σε drama-- το Batman Begins βραβεύτηκε για το διεθνές του poster, και ο Παρθένος Ετών 40 κέρδισε στον τομέα της κωμωδίας, κερδίζοντας και το βραβείο καλύτερου tagline ("The longer you wait, the harder it gets." To πιάσατε αυτό με το harder ε;).

Δες/Κρύψε τους νικητές όλων των κατηγοριών v
Comedy poster, "The 40-Year Old Virgin, Crew Creative Advertising, Universal; Drama poster, "Syriana," The Cimarron Group, Warners; Action Adventure poster, "Lord of War," Art Machine, Lionsgate; Teaser poster, "Walk the Line," Illustrated Teaser #1, Studio Number One, Fox; International film poster, "Batman Begins," Teaser, Vox.Adv, Warners International; Film Festival/Market poster, "72hr Film Shoothout," Indika Entertainment Advertising, MTV World and Asian American.
Comedy trailer, "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: Guide," Aspect Ratio, Buena Vista Pictures; Action Adventure trailer, "Sin City: Trailer #1," The Ant Farm, Dimension; Drama trailer, "Jarhead: Domestic Trailer #1," Universal, Universal; Teaser trailer, "Sin City: Teaster #1," The Ant Farm, Dimension.
Internet Advertising/Movie Website, "Tim Burton's Corpse Bride," BLITZ, Warners.
Comedy TV spot, "Hitch: Dance Off," Aspect Ratio, Columbia Pictures; Action Adventure TV spot, "War of the Worlds: Alarm," Trailer Park, Paramount; Drama TV spot, "Walk the Line: Black," Trailer Park, Fox.
Outdoor advertising, "Charlies and the Chocolate Factory: Building Wrap," Trailer Park, Warners International.
Theatrical standee, "Charlies and the Chocolate Factory," Drissi Advertising, Inc./Trailer Park, Warners.
Best copy line, "The 40-Year-Old Virgin: International," "The longer you wait, the harder it gets," Crew Creative Advertising, Universal.
Best motion graphics, "Lord of War," Mark Woollen & Associates, Lionsgate.
Consumer print ad, "Lord of War," Art Machine/Samuels Advertising, Lionsgate; Trade print ad, "Saw II: Gross Ad," Samuels Advertising/Art Machine, Lionsgate.
Home Entertainment - DVD/VHS packaging, "Saw: DVD Video Box," Art Machine, Lionsgate; Home Entertainment - Special Recognition, "Saw: Uncut Edition," Art Machine, Lionsgate; Home Entertainment - Consumer TV spot, "Alien vs. Predator: Poker," jonnyHal, Inc., 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment International; Home Entertainment - Consumer Audiiovisual, "Sin City: Consumer Trailer #2, 3Oh!5 Creative, Inc., Dimension.
Co-Branded Print, "Chicken Little: Grapple (American Idol),"Get Fit Foods, Walt Disney Pictures; Co-Branded Audiovisual, "Chicken Little: Sears," Y&R Chicago, Walt Disney Pictures.
Special Recognition Print, "Sin City: Character Banners,"BLT & Associates Inc., Miramax/Dimension Films; Special Recognition Audiovisual, "Walk the Line: Internet Trailere One Song," Trailer Park, Fox; International Audiovisual, "Cinderella Man: International Trailer," Intralink Film Graphic Design, Buena Vista International/The Walt Disney Company.

Στις υπόλοιπες αφίσες, το Syriana ανακυρήχθηκε καλύτερη δραματικής ταινίας, το Walk the Line κέρδισε το βραβείο για το καλύτερο teaser poster, το Lord of War, με το πρόσωπο του Cage που σχηματιζόταν από σφαίρες ψηφίστηκε ως καλύτερη αφίσα για Action/Adventure --αν και έφερνε περισσότερο σε drama-- το Batman Begins βραβεύτηκε για το διεθνές του poster, και ο Παρθένος Ετών 40 κέρδισε στον τομέα της κωμωδίας, κερδίζοντας και το βραβείο καλύτερου tagline ("The longer you wait, the harder it gets." To πιάσατε αυτό με το harder ε;).

Δες/Κρύψε τους νικητές όλων των κατηγοριών v
Comedy poster, "The 40-Year Old Virgin, Crew Creative Advertising, Universal; Drama poster, "Syriana," The Cimarron Group, Warners; Action Adventure poster, "Lord of War," Art Machine, Lionsgate; Teaser poster, "Walk the Line," Illustrated Teaser #1, Studio Number One, Fox; International film poster, "Batman Begins," Teaser, Vox.Adv, Warners International; Film Festival/Market poster, "72hr Film Shoothout," Indika Entertainment Advertising, MTV World and Asian American.
Comedy trailer, "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: Guide," Aspect Ratio, Buena Vista Pictures; Action Adventure trailer, "Sin City: Trailer #1," The Ant Farm, Dimension; Drama trailer, "Jarhead: Domestic Trailer #1," Universal, Universal; Teaser trailer, "Sin City: Teaster #1," The Ant Farm, Dimension.
Internet Advertising/Movie Website, "Tim Burton's Corpse Bride," BLITZ, Warners.
Comedy TV spot, "Hitch: Dance Off," Aspect Ratio, Columbia Pictures; Action Adventure TV spot, "War of the Worlds: Alarm," Trailer Park, Paramount; Drama TV spot, "Walk the Line: Black," Trailer Park, Fox.
Outdoor advertising, "Charlies and the Chocolate Factory: Building Wrap," Trailer Park, Warners International.
Theatrical standee, "Charlies and the Chocolate Factory," Drissi Advertising, Inc./Trailer Park, Warners.
Best copy line, "The 40-Year-Old Virgin: International," "The longer you wait, the harder it gets," Crew Creative Advertising, Universal.
Best motion graphics, "Lord of War," Mark Woollen & Associates, Lionsgate.
Consumer print ad, "Lord of War," Art Machine/Samuels Advertising, Lionsgate; Trade print ad, "Saw II: Gross Ad," Samuels Advertising/Art Machine, Lionsgate.
Home Entertainment - DVD/VHS packaging, "Saw: DVD Video Box," Art Machine, Lionsgate; Home Entertainment - Special Recognition, "Saw: Uncut Edition," Art Machine, Lionsgate; Home Entertainment - Consumer TV spot, "Alien vs. Predator: Poker," jonnyHal, Inc., 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment International; Home Entertainment - Consumer Audiiovisual, "Sin City: Consumer Trailer #2, 3Oh!5 Creative, Inc., Dimension.
Co-Branded Print, "Chicken Little: Grapple (American Idol),"Get Fit Foods, Walt Disney Pictures; Co-Branded Audiovisual, "Chicken Little: Sears," Y&R Chicago, Walt Disney Pictures.
Special Recognition Print, "Sin City: Character Banners,"BLT & Associates Inc., Miramax/Dimension Films; Special Recognition Audiovisual, "Walk the Line: Internet Trailere One Song," Trailer Park, Fox; International Audiovisual, "Cinderella Man: International Trailer," Intralink Film Graphic Design, Buena Vista International/The Walt Disney Company.
Previously on Movies for the Masses: Key Art Awards 2006: Best movie promos